Driving Pride Network - Shifting Inclusion Forward

Driving Pride brings together friends and colleagues from across the automotive sector, promoting LGBTQ+ inclusivity and working to shift inclusion forward

About Us...

Formed in 2021, Driving Pride is a professional network of people associated with the automotive industry who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, or identify with other sexual and gender identities (collectively LGBT+) and those straight allies who support them.

Our aims...

Join the conversation...

Get involved through our social media channels; show your support by liking and sharing our content, send us suggestions, and show your support for LGBT+ inclusivity

We would love to hear from anyone who can help us achieve our aims, whether you are in the automotive sector or not.

We are particularly seeking ally companies and organisations who can support us with promotional work, visibility both physically and virtually, and who can help us run events such as networking events, panel discussions, and training sessions.

Together we can shift inclusion forward

Some of our industry partners...